Effective Malware Removal in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

Having a malware-affected WordPress website can be extremely disruptive. Not only can it cause issues with SEO and security, but it can also harm a website’s reputation and ultimately lead to lost income. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to remove malware from a WordPress website. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you effectively remove malware from your WordPress website.

1. Take Your Website Offline and Backup All Files

The first step in a successful malware removal is to take your website down and make a backup, as this will protect your data and give you a working version in case something goes wrong during the cleanup process. To take your website offline, create a “maintenance mode” page and put it up on your website. This page should explain any downtime you might experience during the cleanup process. Additionally, make sure to download all the files from the site to a secure location.

2. Find and Remove Malicious Code

The next step is to locate and remove any malicious code that may have been inserted into your site. To do this, you’ll need to review all the files on your website, including the themes and plugins. You should also look out for any unusual code, such as injected JavaScript. Be sure to remove any malicious code promptly, as any delays could result in further damage to your website.

3. Update WordPress Core, Themes and Plugins

Once you’ve identified and removed any malicious code, the next step is to update WordPress core, themes and plugins. It’s important to keep all software on your website up to date, as newer versions often contain critical security fixes. So by updating your site, you can help to protect it from future attacks.

4. Change All Your Login Credentials

Updating your login credentials is an important step in the malware removal process. Make sure to change the passwords for all user accounts and, if possible, delete any accounts that you don’t recognize. To be extra safe, you should also change the WordPress secret key and salt values.

5. Enable Security Measures

Finally, it’s important to ensure that your website is secure by enabling some additional security measures. These include:

    • Enabling two-factor authentication – this will help keep your account secure by requiring two forms of authentication when logging in.
    • Using a web application firewall – a web application firewall, such as Cloudflare, can protect your website from hackers and malicious attacks.
    • Installing an SSL certificate – having an SSL certificate installed on your website will help ensure that all data passed is secure.
    • Enabling automatic updates – enabling automatic updates will ensure that all software on your website is kept up to date.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your website stays safe from future attacks.


Malware attacks can cause a lot of problems for WordPress websites. Fortunately, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove malware from your WordPress website and protect it from further attacks.